dilluns, 6 de juliol del 2015

Ja sabem que avui comença la gran festa. Sabem  com comença (  6 d' agost ?  ) per l' autor del VIEJO Y EL MAR perquè la va viure i descriure  fa ja més de 90 any.
Sabem com l' acaba:
Contemplamos la llegada del último atardecer de la fiesta. La absenta lo envolvia todo mejor. Yo la tomé sin azúcar, del vaso que goteaba ; era agradable su sabor amargo.

Què passa acontinuació ? La narrativa continua a SANT SEBASTIÀ
Quan estigui ben segur pedalaré jo també, després de la gran festa la història no acaba.
És aquí en anglés , . ja la cercaré demà. avui és massa tard: viva San Fermin

ven days

...n19 final Later when it began to get dark, I walked around the ha
rbor and out along the promenade, and finally back to
the hotel for supper. There was a bicycle-race on, the Tour
du Pays Basque, and the ride
rs were stopping that night
in San Sebastian. In the dining-room, at one side, there was
a long table of bicycle-riders, eating with their trainers
and managers. They were all French a
nd Belgians, and paid close attention to
their meal, but they were having a
good time. At the head of th
e table were two good-looking French girls,

with much Rue du Faubourg Montmartre
chic. I could not make out whom they belonged to. They
all spoke in slang at the long table and there were ma
private jokes and some jokes at the far end that were not repeated when the girls asked to hear them. The next
morning at five o'clock the race resume
d with the last lap, San Sebastian-Bi
lbao. The bicycle-riders drank much
wine, and were burned and browned by the sun. They di
d not take the race seriously except among themselves.
They had raced among themselves so often that it did not
make much difference who won. Especially in a foreign
country. The money could be arranged.
The man who had a matter of two minutes lead in the ra
ce had an attack of boils, which were very painful. He
sat on the small of his back. His neck was very red and th
e blond hairs were sunburned.
The other riders joked him
about his boils. He tapped on the table with his fork.
"Listen," he said, "to-morrow my nose is so tight on the
handlebars that the only thing touches those boils is a
lovely breeze."
One of the girls looked at him down th
e table, and he grinned and turned red. The Spaniards, they said, did not
know how to pedal.
I had coffee out on the terrasse with the team manager
of one of the big bicycle ma
nufacturers. He said it had
been a very pleasant race, and would have been worth watc
hing if Bottechia had not abandoned it at Pamplona. The
dust had been bad, but in Spain the roads were better than in France. Bicycle road-racing was the only sport in the
world, he said. Had I ever followed the Tour de France?
Only in the papers. The Tour de France was the greatest
sporting event in the world. Following and organizing th
e road races had made him know France. Few people know
France. All spring and all summer and all fall he spent on the road with bicycle road-racers. Look at the number of
motor-cars now that followed the riders from town to town
in a road race. It was a ri
ch country and more _sportif_
every year. It would be the most _sportif_ country in the wo
rld. It was bicycle road-raci
ng did it. That and football.
He knew France. _La France Sportive_. He knew road-racing.
We had a cognac. After all,
though, it wasn't bad to
get back to Paris. There is only one Paname. In all the world, that is. Paris is the town the most _sportif_ in the
world. Did I know the _Chope de Negre?_ Did I not. I woul
d see him there some time. I
certainly would. We would
drink another _fine_ together. We certainly would. They st
arted at six o'clock less a quarter in the morning. Would I
be up for the depart? I would certainly try to. Would I like
him to call me? It was very interesting. I would leave a
call at the desk. He would not mind calling me. I could not let him take the troub
le. I would leave a call at the desk.
We said good-bye until the next morning.
In the morning when I awoke the bicycle-riders and their following cars had been on the road for three hours.
I had coffee and the papers in bed and then dressed and t
ook my bathing-suit down to the beach. Everything was
fresh and cool and damp in the early morning. Nurses
in uniform and in peasant co
stume walked under the trees
with children. The Spanish children were beautiful. Some
bootblacks sat together under a tree talking to a soldier.
One generation passeth away, and anothe
r generation cometh; but the earth abidet
h forever... The sun also ariseth,
and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to the place where he
arose... The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth
about unto the north; it whirleth about
continually, and the wind returneth again
according to his circuits. .. . All the
rivers run into the sea; yet the sea
is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return
Insisteixo,  molt oportú HEMINGWAY   també per la gran festa del ciclisme.
Felices 20  !!

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